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Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

Cause and Effect Essay

The Negative Impacts of Cultural Integration
     Cultural integration is a process of adjusting elements of one culture to another. It is generally looked upon as a positive thing because it intends to bring social compatibility in people’s lives. However, not all good intentions lead to positive results. While cultural integration might bring benefits for people, it can also cause several bad effects.
     First, cultural integration can endanger cultural diversity. When different cultures live together, maintaining the characteristics of each culture might be a challenge. For example, when Javanese, Madurese, and Sundanese people live in the same place, each of their cultural identity will slowly dissolve as they are constantly adapting to one another.
   Second, cultural integration can cause discrimination and conflicts. Discrimination usually happens to marginalized cultures, such as people of Papuan tribes who are sometimes discriminated because of their skin colour. Also, when various cultures collide and integrate, a conflict might burst out because different cultures usually hold on to different principles.
    Third, cultural integration can decrease the values of local culture. When people get used to seeing various local cultures in their daily lives, they might not be impressed anymore. In some cases, they may even seem ignorant of their own cultures and feel prouder when taking part in promoting foreign cultures.
     In conclusion, even though cultural integration means good intention, it can also result in several negative impacts. It may endanger cultural diversity, cause discrimination and conflicts, and decrease the values of local culture. Therefore, cultural integration must be applied carefully in order to minimize the disadvantages.

By: Muzlia Pertiwi

Minggu, 28 Juli 2019

Exemplification Essay

Traditional Dances in Indonesia

        It is commonly speaking that there are more 700 ethnic groups in Indonesia. Mostly, they have their own dances. Totally, there has now been 3000 Indonesian original dances. Traditional dances are distinctly different from the other dances because they typically have historical value, they show repetitive movements, and they become region’s identity.
        First, traditional dances have historical value. For example, Hudoq dance of Dayak people, means this dance aims to pray so that their fields will grow abundantly. It is symbolized by dancers who wear masks representing pests and jackets made of banana tree bark. The two human hudoqs come out and chase the pest hudoqs. While Cakalele dance of Maluku people, Male dancers are wearing red and yellow costumes that represent heroism, courage, and patriotism of Maluku people.
        In addition, traditional dances show repetitive movements. For example, Tor-Tor dance of the Batak people of North Sumatra, represents the movement to communicate providing an interaction of people in the ceremony. Moreover, Kuda Lumping dance symbolizes the attraction of being strong and powerful. It reflects heroism and military aspects of troops like riding a horse in a war. It was also used to attact the Dutch people—the colonialism.
        Finally, traditional dances become region’s identity. For example, Reog dance is as Ponorogo’s identity, Jaipong dance is as Sunda identity, Ma’badong is as Toraja identity, and Joget Melayu is as Melayu identity.
        Briefly stated, Traditional dances have various reflections. Those may become country’s assets that can be used to maintain the nation’s cultures.

By: Farhan Atoillah

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016



1.1  Latar Belakang

  Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara maritim yang kaya akan hasil bumi. selain hasil bumi yang sangat menolok dari Indonesia juga dikenal sebagai negara yang mempunyai ragam budaya yang unik dan penuh sejarah serta misteri. Selain itu juga, Indonesia sering dikunjung oleh orang asing atau bisa disebut dengan turis dan wisatawan asing lainnya.
Sejak masa penjajahan, Indonesia sering dikenal sebagai negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, hingga sekarang Indonesia berkembang pesat. Dengan berkembangnya Indonesia sekarang, terdapat banyak tempat-tempat peninggalan bersejarah, sehingga banyak orang yang tertarik dan mengunjungi tempat tersebut. Obyek wisata yang ada di Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari kekayaan alam yang patut untuk dibanggakan. Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki keunikan baik dari segi keindahannya maupun adat istiadat yang ada di daerah tersebut sehingga menarik minat wisatawan untuk mengunjunginya. Dari sekian banyaknya tempat yang sering dikunjungi maka pemerintah Indonesia menjadikan tempat tersebut sebagai tempat wiasta.
Sektor pariwisata sebagai kegiatan perekonomian telah menjadi andalan dan prioritas pengembangan bagi sejumlah Negara, terlebih bagi Negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang memiliki potensi wilayah yang luas dengan adanya daya tarik wisata cukup besar, banyaknya keindahan alam, aneka warisan sejarah budaya dan kehidupan masyarakat.
Untuk meningkatkan peran kepariwisataan, sangat terkait antara barang berupa obyek wisata sendiri yang dapat dijual dengan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukungnya yang terkait dalam industri pariwisata. Usaha mengembangkan suatu daerah tujuan wisata harus memperhatikan berbagai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan suatu daerah tujuan wisata.
Secara Etimologi, wisata adalah bepergian bersama-sama (untuk memperluas pengetahuan, bersenang-senang, dsb). Beberapa keuntungan dari adanya tempat wisata yaitu, sebagai tempat belajar, dan juga bisa meningkatkan devisa (alat pembayaran luar negeri yang dapat ditukarkan dengan uang luar negeri) karena wisatawan itu tidak hanya dari local saja, tetapi juga wisatawan dari manca negara.Bicara tentang tempat wisata, di Indonesia sudah terdapat banyak tempat wisata yang bisa kita kunjungi.
Propinsi Jawa Timur memiliki banyak daya tarik wisata alam salah satunya ada di daerah Probolinggo yaitu Candi Jabung. Namun masih banyak wistawan yang belum mengetahui adanya Candi Jabung, oleh karena perlu adanya penjelasan kepada khalayak umum mengenai Candi Jabung. Candi Jabung ini merupakan salah satu peninggalan dari salah satu kerajaan dari Majapahit yang selama ini masih tetap terjaga keindahan dan keistimewaan dari candi tersebut hingga sekarang.
Itulah mengapa saya memilih judul “TEMPAT WISATA CANDI JABUNG” pada karya tulis ilmiah ini.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1.  Bagaimanakah sejarah terjadinya Candi Jabung?
     2.  Bagaimanakah keistimewaan yang dimiliki Candi Jabung?

1.3 Tujuan

1.     Untuk menyalesaikan tugas Bahasa Indonesia
2.     Untuk mengetahui keindahan dan keistimewaan dari Candi Jabung

1.4 Manfaat

1.    Dapat memenuhi tugas Bahasa Indionesia
2.    Sebagai media untuk menambah wawasan kepada pembaca
3.    Sebagai media untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang obyek

1.5 Metodelogi

1.    Tempat    :
Tempat yang digunakan untuk observasi oleh peneliti yaitu di Candi Jabung

2.    Waktu      :
Waktu yang kami gunakan untuk observasi adalahdua hari dari tanggal 01 Januari 2015 sampai 02 Januari 2015  

2.1 Hasil Observasi

Objek wisata Candi Jabung di Desa Jabungsisir, Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, minim fasilitas. Tak ayal, para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke sana kebanyakan hanya sebentar dan sekadar ambil foto.
Candi Jabung adalah salah satu candi hindu peninggalan kerajaan Majapahit. Candi hindu ini terletak di Desa Jabung, Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Struktur bangunan candi yang hanya dari bata merah ini mampu bertahan ratusan tahun. Menurut keagamaan, Agama Budha dalam kitab Nagarakertagama Candi Jabung di sebutkan dengan nama Bajrajinaparamitapura. Dalam kitab Nagarakertagama candi Jabung dikunjungi oleh Raja Hayam Wuruk pada lawatannya keliling Jawa Timur pada tahun 1359 Masehi. Pada kitab Pararaton disebut Sajabung yaitu tempat pemakaman Bhre Gundal salah seorang keluarga raja.
Di bekas candi peninggalan Majapahit tersebut, tak disediakan tempat duduk untuk para pengunjung di lokasi candi. Ainul Yaqin, warga Kelurahan Semampir, Kraksaan, pun heran. Sebab, Candi Jabung adalah situs sejarah yang mesti dapat perhatian dari Pemkab setempat. Menurutnya, seharusnya candi yang berumur ratusan tahun fasilitasnya harus diperhatikan. Sehingga para pengujung bisa betah menikmati keindahan candi. Karena tak bisa dipungkiri, fasilitas itu sangat mendukung untuk memikat daya tarik wisatawan.
“Tempat duduk untuk pengunjung dirasa penting. Candi Jabung belum bisa dinikmati keindahannya pada malam hari. Sebab lampu penerangan di lokasi candi masih belum begitu banyak. Pengunjung enggan untuk menikmati ketika malam hari. Kalau begini terus, ya, gak akan berkembang pesat. Masa gak ada PKL-nya (Praktek Kerja Lapangan,Red), cuma ada satu warung yang barang dagangannya minim sekali,” katanya, Minggu (02/01/2015).
Dia menambahkan, Candi Jabung sebenarnya bisa mendatangkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) jika dikelola dengan baik, dan fasilitasnya dilengkapi. Ainul mengaku hanya lima menit saja berada di objek wisata yang tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis itu. Selepas berfoto selfie bersama keluarganya, dia langsung pulang. Sedangkan pengunjung lain, juga terlihat sebentar saja. Setelah mengisi buku kunjungan, mereka berkeliling candi, mereka langsung pulang.
Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Probolinggo menyalahkan anggaran atas minimnya fasilitas Candi Jabung. Dirinya mengaku bukan tidak memperdulikan keberadaan tempat wisata di sana, melainkan terbentur anggaran.
Keberadaan Candi Jabung, kata dia, merupakan wisata cagar budaya yang dulunya masih dikelola oleh Badan Penelitian Purbakala (BPP) Trowulan Mojokerto. Karenanya, candi tersebut merupakan peninggalan kerajaan Majapahit.
“Pengelolaan Candi Jabung baru saja diserahkan ke Pemkab Probolinggo. Kita akan melakukan upaya perbaikan dan penambahan fasilitas di semua tempat wisata termasuk Candi Jabung. Karena dinilai tempat wisata merupakan pendongkrak pendapatan daerah,” tuturnya.

3.1 Kesimpulan
Candi Jabung adalah salah satu candi hindu peninggalan kerajaan Majapahit. Candi hindu ini terletak di Desa Jabung, Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Struktur bangunan candi yang hanya dari bata merah ini mampu bertahan ratusan tahun. Menurut keagamaan, Agama Budha dalam kitab Nagarakertagama Candi Jabung di sebutkan dengan nama Bajrajinaparamitapura. Dalam kitab Nagarakertagama candi Jabung dikunjungi oleh Raja Hayam Wuruk pada lawatannya keliling Jawa Timur pada tahun 1359 Masehi. Pada kitab Pararaton disebut Sajabung yaitu tempat pemakaman Bhre Gundal salah seorang keluarga raja.

3.2 Saran

 Demi terciptanya tempat wisata yang menarik, dari pihak pengurus wisata seharusnya lebih giat lagi dalam menambahkan fasilitas. Seperti menambahkan tempat duduk untuk para pengunjung, sehingga banyak pengunjung yang merasa betah dan menikmati suasana indah dari tempat tersebut.   

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Story tell Text


Long time ago in Tasikmalaya, West Java, lived a young couple. They were farmers. They lived happily with their baby. The couple also had some animals. One of them was a tiger. When the couple went to work on the paddy field, the tiger looked after their baby. As usual, the couple went to the paddy field. Before they left, they asked the tiger to look after their baby.

“We will go to the field now. Look after our baby, okay?” The tiger nodded. So, the couple went to the field. They worked from morning until afternoon. When the couple arrived home, the tiger welcomed them. The tiger acted differently. He wagged his tail and rubbed his body to the couple’s legs. He looked very happy. The husband became suspicious.

“Why does this tiger behave strangely? He does not act as usual?” he thought. The husband looked at the tiger carefully. He was shocked. The tiger’s mouth was full of blood. Then he remembered his baby. He thought the tiger had eaten the baby.

“Why is your mouth full of blood?” he asked the tiger. “You must have done something bad to my baby! Have you killed him? Why did you do that?” he was very panicked. The husband took his knife and killed the tiger in anger. Then they both entered the house. They were shocked. They looked at each other. Their baby was sleeping peacefully in his cradle. He was not eaten by the tiger. Quickly, the wife took the baby and kissed him. The baby woke up. He opened his eyes and smiled. The couple found a very large snake under the cradle. The snake was dead and full of blood.

“Oh, my wife,” the husband said. “We have done a terrible thing. The tiger is not guilty! Look at the dead snake. The tiger must have killed him. He had saved our baby, but I killed him. Oh, my God! What have I done? I am so sorry. Forgive me, my dear tiger. Forgive me, please?”. The couple felt very guilty. They have killed their faithful tiger. It all happened because they did not check the baby first before they killed the tiger. Since then, the couple’s village was called Panyalahan. The word Panyalahan derives from the word “nyalahan”, which means “wrong guess”. ***

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Story tell Text



Once upon a time there was a mouse deer that lived in the forest. It had many enemies, one of the enemies was a crocodile that lived in the river near the forest. Even the crocodile supposed that the mouse deer was the trickiest animal, so the crocodile promised by himself that he would catch the mouse deer alive or die.

Mouse deer! I would catch you as soon as possible!” said the crocodile angrily.But you know mouse deer audience?

It was an animal that always cheerful and very confident. It also known, as a tricky and intelligent animal, so it was very proud of himself.

And it often said, “I’m the cleverest in the forest. I’m the best. No other animals can compare me. Ha..ha..ha..” He laughed.

And do you know what happened next?

Someday in very hot condition, the mouse deer was very thirsty and dirty. He wanted something to drink on the river. And then, he bathed and splashed about into the water. But how unlucky he was! When he was taking a bath and splashed in the water, the crocodile saw him.

Hmmm.. a nice meal. Yeah.. I’ll have a big and nice meal this day” thought the crocodile.

Then, he silently crawled behind the mouse deer and grabbed him. He caught the mouse deer’s legs. And the mouse deer startled and terrified as well. Of course cold sweat came out from the mouse deer’s body.

Oh my God, help me.. Is it the end of my life? Oh my God help me please..” said the mouse deer in his mind.

The mouse deer thought hard how to be free from the crocodile. And as I just told to you that the mouse deer was the tricky and intelligent animal, so after he thought hard, finally the mouse deer got a good idea. It saw a twig floating near him. It picked it up and said,

You are stupid! You are fool! You think you’ve got me? Actually you are biting a twig, not my legs.”

And with that, the mouse deer showed the crocodile the twig. The crocodile couldn’t see very well. It was a very stupid creature too. It believed that the mouse deer’s cunning. It freed the mouse deer’s legs and snapped upon the twig. And then the mouse deer ran out from the water immediately.

“Ha..ha..ha..” It laughed. “I tricked you again, stupid crocodile! And you have to know that you never can catch me! Good bye.. Mr. Stupid crocodile!” Said the mouse deer happily.